
The sound of the past, present and


The sound of interfaces, things, technologies.

Why the world can become quiet but we don’t want it to.


The sound of the past, present and


The sound of interfaces, things, technologies.

Why the world can become quiet but we don’t want it to.

The sound of the past
You don't need eyesight to tell if the hissing TV in your parents' house needs to be fixed.
The sound is 40% of our perception. The perception of information by the auditory organs is much stronger, clearly affects a person. But we still cannot appreciate all the possibilities that sound can give us.

Sound is packed with information that helps us better understand our environment - it's part of our daily life. Listen, you don't need eyesight to tell if a soccer player has hit a ball, that the hissing TV in your parents' house needs to be fixed, the printer has printed five sheets, and the kettle is boiling. These are the sounds of the past that we reсognize in the present.

Instruments and cars used to sound like mechanical sounds, but what will happen next? Imagine a Tesla electric car with a motor we can't hear. What will happen if he silently moves along the highway at great speed while a pedesrtian crosses the road?
The sound of the present
That's why those who create sounds for instruments, interfaces and technologies save our lives, making it more convenient and harmonious. Technologies are getting smarter, they enter our daily life at the level where we don't even notice. Sound design can make us love things, applications, cars, make us use them every day, improve the perception of design, make all interface elements more understandable and strengthen the brand. And if an object sounds bad, it will annoy, repel, and we will subconsciously look for alternatives.

Many people are convinced that the interface is just what we see on the screen; the enormous potential of sound stays ignored. So, let's talk about the sound of objects and interfaces. What awaits us in the future?
The sound design in the interface can serve different purposes: to display the passage of time, call to action or warn, guide, like a navigator, through an application or game. The possibilities are endless. But the main sound in the game and application is silence. If you can avoid any sound in your application - do it. This way you can play with silence, small inclusions of sound, making your life easier and clearer.
Оставьте свои контакты, мы свяжемся с вами, ответим на все вопросы и расскажем, как приобрести курс.
How to create the perfect sound?
Here are simple and useful rules for creating sound in the user interface (UI) of a game, application, or whatever.
Informativity — choose a sound that can correctly reflect the state of the interface element. There is no obvious visual hint for the user. The audio message should be understandable and carry reliable information that does not cause irritation during daily listening. In the user interface, it is best to favor short and simple sounds that are informative in their very form.
Relevance - when designing an application in conjunction with sound design, it is important to determine what meanings they will convey. This must be done at the earliest stages of work. The signal that broadcasts important information is expected to be significantly different from those that simply accompany the visual content.

The visual and auditory channels of perception are fundamentally different, so sounds can convey information that is inaccessible to visual content. Sound uniquely reinforces the three core principles of interaction design: visibility, responsiveness, and persistence.
Aesthetics - the ability of sound design to reflect and compliment the interface's visual component. The user gets a clear understanding of the object's dynamics, including its weight, volume, size, and working mechanism. For example, a large blinking plastic knob on an empty spacecraft control console would sound better with a heavier, softer click sound that could be made from old 35 mm camera recordings. Light, transparent, synthetic noises, on the other hand, would suit a modern "flat" user interface. Sound can tell a lot about an object.
Sufficiency — is a fundamental element of a successful sound design. The UI is often appropriate for the environment/scene without being overly obtrusive or disorganized. Fair the proper sum of sound feedback for the interface.
If the visual interface is a map, then the audio part of the interface is the language. The language of values ​​passed through hints, confirmations, error messages.

Like any language, the sound of an interface depends on semantics: either this element has analogues in human memory, with the help of which the language can be decoded, or it is a set of new metaphors that can be quickly and smoothly introduced for the viewer/listener.
The sound of the future
What we used to consider fantasy is now becoming a reality, and we draw ideas about how an interface or object should sound and look from fantastic stories - movies, books, art.

Let's try to open the door to the world of sounds of the future. How do we know now what the future will sound like? From science fiction, modern sci-fi films, etc.

You all know what a blaster sounds like. But this sound was invented by the sound designer. For us, a blaster can no longer sound any different. But not many sounds took root like a blaster. There can be nothing wrong with the sound design of interfaces of the future. You can't make a mistake, because no one knows how, for example, the interface of a spaceship will sound.

Sound designers working in the science fiction genre already have tacit agreements about how some objects, weapons, events, actions in space should sound, but how high quality and in what style this sound will be made depends on the picture and skill of the sound designer. .

What can you rely on?
Here are some examples of cool, authentic sound designs for interfaces, and in general, for the worlds' future for movies and games:
Tron Legacy (2010)

From our point of view, this film should be seen by all sound designers. The whole sound world of this cinematic work provides material for creating the sound of the future for many years to come.
Passengers (2016)

Probably one of the best spaceship sound designs that people of the present or past could come up with. All objects and interfaces sound calm and pleasant, showing that the spaceship is a high-tech cruise ship, where you are safe.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)

Pay attention to the UI sound in Valerian and Laureline's ship. It is futuristic and simple at the same time. In the Ministry, located in the city of Alpha, the sounds of the interfaces are more direct, rough, commanding. A futuristic city-market is a fusion of the sounds of the past, present and ideas about the future - warm, like the light from a lamp, cold, heavy, flat and voluminous.

No Man’s Sky

Very clean and balanced user interface design. The "no answer" sounds are understandable, and the screen sounds have a perfectly fitting sound. In general, it sounds easy and purely.
Halo 5

The Halo series is an iconic example of science fiction: weapons, vehicles, user interface, and every other aspect sound like it should. All user interfaces in videos are no exception. You can identify sounds for holograms, scans, and any other user interface action without even looking at the screen. Audible feedback assists the user by allowing them to look away from the object. It is also convenient in that it lets you know when an action is fixed, processed or completed without using your eyesight.
Sound design in interfaces is something we pay attention to every day. We can teach you better ways to create a harmonious world of sound around us. Come to the Institute of Sound Design to master your skills of creating sound effects at the faculty of "Sound Design" or "Interactive Sound".
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